Budgie Price

What are the costs for a budgie? Initially, you’re looking at about $20 for a budgie (or $40 for two), anywhere from $100-$200 for a cage (bigger is better), roughly about $30-$50 a month on food, and about $100-$150 on accessories. The total upfront cost for a budgie(roughly): $490 is …

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African Grey Cages

African greys can live upwards of 50 years in captivity, so choosing the right home for them is essential! Remember, your grey will spend a lot of time in their home, so make it as comfy as possible for them! In this article, we will cover step by step, everything …

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Budgie Cages

Budgies are great companions to have around. They are cheerful and not as demanding as other birds. Apart from offering good companionship, budgies also enjoy interacting with their owners. What is a better way to give back than providing everything your budgie bud needs to stay healthy and happy?  The …

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