What are the costs for a budgie? Initially, you’re looking at about $20 for a budgie (or $40 for two), anywhere from $100-$200 for a cage (bigger is better), roughly about $30-$50 a month on food, and about $100-$150 on accessories.
The total upfront cost for a budgie(roughly): $490 is roughly the upfront cost if you buy everything upfront.
The monthly cost for a budgie: $30-$50 for food and maybe a new toy or accessories
Remember, the most important thing is food and a cage. You can spread the cost of the rest over a shorter period to not break the bank! Always buy a bigger cage if you can!
Although the initial costs of owning a budgie are going to be steep, once you have everything set up and your budgie is living comfortably, the monthly costs are incredibly cheap.

Table of Contents
- Standard Budgie Price
- Is It Better To Have Two Budgies?
- Budgie Food
- What A Budgies Daily Diet Should Be
- What Fruits/Vegetables Can Budgies Eat
- What Toys/Disposables Do Budgies Need
- Best Cage For Budgies (Plus Travel Cage)
- Recap
Standard Budgie Price
Budgies on their own are quite cheap. You can pick up your new companion for about $20 in most pet stores! Most budgies are going to cost around $20. Although, if you’re looking for something a little more flamboyant, a private seller will be able to fulfill your specific needs!
Is It Better To Have Two Budgies?
Budgies are flock birds, so naturally having a companion for your feathery friend would be ideal. Although some studies have noted that lone budgies replicate flock behaviors with their owners!
However, two budgies(or more) means twice the joy, twice the company, and twice the expense! You will have two mouths to feed (Although they are only little) as well as a larger cage to give them enough room to be who they are at heart.

If getting two budgies is not in the cards, there are many ways to replicate flocks. Some owners have found placing a mirror near the cage to be beneficial. Budgies assume their mirror image is another budgie!
Budgie Food
Budgies need a consistent diet of pellets, fruits, and vegetables to maintain a healthy and well-balanced diet! Seeds don’t need to be avoided, although studies find that seeds don’t carry enough nutrition within them to fulfill a budgies needs!

What A Budgies Daily Diet Should Be
Budgies should really stick to the 80/20 rule. Usually, 80% of your budgies’ daily diet will be pellets and 20% fruit and vegetables. Fruit and Veg will provide your budgie with new tastes and flavors! Not only will this help you bond with your budgie by introducing them to new fun foods, but you will also be adding different nutrition to their diet that may not be in the pellets!
Once you find a fruit or vegetable that your budgie really takes a liking to, you can use it as a treat for good behavior! Take them on a taste adventure!
Next time you’re in the shop and see something they might like, give it a quick google to make sure it’s safe for them and give it a go!

What Fruits/Vegetables Can Budgies Eat
The good news is, these days, you can find out quickly and easily if you’re budgie can eat something or not! A quick google search and voila, instant answer! There are many fruits that your budgie should be eating regularly (While following the 80/20 rule).
Here are three examples of fruits and vegetables that budgies can eat on a day-to-day basis in moderation. While on your shoulders or on top of their cage, these foods can be fed to your budgie which creates a bond with them as well as great benefits!
(Click any of the fruits/veg to read my articles about them!)
Not only do budgies love to eat apples, but the benefits are also great for them! Next time you’re sitting there thinking “can my budgie eats apples” go for it! Apples come with a whole host of benefits. From Vitamin C, which keeps your birds’ stress levels down, to copper which keeps your birds’ nervous system healthy, makes for one happy birdie!

There are many reasons to add a banana to your budgie’s diet! Budgies go “Bananas” (Couldn’t resist) for it! The benefits are staggering! From relieving stress to helping prevent strokes. This fruit is a great addition to their diet.

Although tomatoes are good for your budgie, the only downside is how much water they contain. Tomatoes are 95% water, which is great for hydration, bad for a well-balanced tummy! If things do get a bit “watery” (If you know what I mean), try to add a bit more fiber into their diet, and this will absorb all the extra liquid in their little bodies and hopefully harden things up again.
A well-balanced diet is key to a happy birdie! This leads me to my next topic. (remember moderation)

What Toys/Disposables Do Budgies Need
Toys and disposables will be an ongoing cost. The good news is, it will only be a couple of times a year for toys and the waste liner once a week. As it stands, these won’t cost an arm and a leg, although it will be an ongoing cost for the entirety of your budgies life! So this needs to be factored in!
Waste Liners
Waste liners are great for keeping your budgie’s cage clean for healthy living. They make cleaning the food droppings and dropping droppings a breeze! The good news is, this can either be a newspaper or store-bought.
Newspaper linings are cheap (or free) and do the job absolutely fine. Store-bought liners, however, come with some interesting benefits.
- Antibacterial to keep things cleaner.
- Deodorizer built-in for the nasty smells!
- Absorbs more liquids to create a cleaner environment.
- Custom sizes for a snugger fit.
I will add links to some on amazon that do great!
These are great for absorbing moisture and taking care of nasty odors. Click the title or image to see the price on Amazon.
Both are equally as good as each other, in my opinion. It may be best to look at them both to make your mind up! Click the title or image to see the price on Amazon.
Foraging Toys
These toys are ideal for mimicking what your budgie would be doing naturally in the wild by spending time picking things apart to reach the treat in the middle. Foraging toys can keep your bird occupied, while at the same time stimulating their basic instincts!

Best Cage For Budgies (Plus Travel Cage)
A cage is more than just a place to sleep for your budgie; this will be their home for many years. Ideally, don’t go for anything smaller than 18inches long, 18inches wide, and 24 inches tall. If you can bigger is always better!
Birdcages need many things to be considered complete. Usually, a setup will include Perches, Climbing Material, 3 Bowls, and Toys. If you want a complete guide about budgie cages, my article “What Every Budgie Cage Needs (A Helpful Step By Step Guide)” will go into more depth about some great cages under $200!
Now, this leads me onto my final topic!
If you’ve made it to the end and are now reading the recap! Thanks for reading! In this section, I like to cover the article’s highlights and go over the necessary information.
- Budgies cost roughly $20 but can cost more privately!
- We have covered what every budgie cage setup should consist of!
- What you will have to buy on a monthly basis: Food, Toys, and Disposables.
- We have discussed the 80/20 rule when it comes to your budgie diet!
Any Questions you have relating to this article or just for me in general, leave a comment down below in the comments section.
Disclaimer: I am not an expert on bird behavior or bird diet. These methods should not replace getting expert advice in any shape or form. If your bird does show any adverse reactions to any foods, seek a veterinarian’s guidance as soon as possible.